Its going to be BIG BOSS for Colors and it was officially announced today to the media here at the Mariott Hotel in Singapore. The pictures below, give an idea of what the promotionals that I had been shooting for the show, are all about. ...... miri Zrdab Israel. Naresh Bhatt - London says: September 5, 2009 at 12:58 am. Hi Amitji,. Copy and paste from day 500: I am back in London and finally get to sit at my own PC. Happy 500th day of your blog. ...
miri Zrdab Israel. Naresh Bhatt - London says: September 5, 2009 at 12:58 am. Hi Amitji,. Copy and paste from day 500: I am back in London and finally get to sit at my own PC. Happy 500th day of your blog. My son is extremely upset as I ...
Summer in Toronto is extremely busy with house guests visiting from India & abroad and in between vacation to LA for 3 weeks SO totally missed out on your thoughts & remarks! Yes pain is inevitable and suffering is by ...... Resonant voice and impressive power at every opportunity in the film, including interviews in each instance. Continue doing your wonderful fascinating us to your blog. Love you always. By Zrdab Israel. manish tiwary says: September 3, 2009 at 10:47 pm ...